Saturday, January 22, 2011

On Suffering

There's a question that weighs heavily on my mind. What is the age of accountability? Is it the day of one's birth or 3 or 5 or 10 or 12 or 15 or 20 or something more than that? At what age are we responsible for our actions? If God is loving, why does He or She allow suffering for someone who has yet to reach the age of accountability? Aw, there's the question. That's the one I really want an answer to. If God can work miracles. . . part the seas. . . walk on water. . . turn water into wine. . . feed the multitudes with a loaf or two of bread, then why can't He or She step in and fully protect the innocent (those who have yet to reach the age of accountability)? Where is God when a child starves to death? Where is God when a 3 year old is raped? Where is God when a tornado wipes out an entire town killing hundreds - including those who have yet to reach the age of accountability? Where is God when a person with an IQ of less than 70 is being taken advantage of by others who ought to know better? Where is God when famine, natural disasters or other humans are harming the pure of heart - the innocent - the children - those who have not reached the age of accountability? Where? Is He or She too busy to intervene? Wait! That can't be right. God can't be too busy for He or She is everywhere all at once, right? He or She is omnipresent, right? If not, then how can God be God? Suffering might be punishment for sin but if one has yet to reach the age of accountability, then why are they allowed to suffer by this loving God who has the power to stop it? Fucking senseless if you ask me!

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